Chest Physiotherapy

What is Chest Physio?

Chest Physio is performed by a Physiotherapist, to adults and paediatrics, to improve a patient’s breathing. This is done by removing excess secretions from the lungs, improving lung expansion, normalising breathing patterns and strengthening respiratory muscles.

Who is Chest Physio Performed On?

  • Chronic respiratory diseases
  • Respiratory infections
  • Post surgery
  • Acute trauma
  • Paediatric and neonatal respiratory diseases

Why Chest Physio?

  • Chest physio is recognised at a core component of the management of individuals with respiratory conditions.
  • The success of chest physiotherapy stems from its favourable influence on not only the lungs but the heart and muscular system.
  • Chest physio has been clearly demonstrated to reduce shortness of breath, increase exercise capacity and improve quality of life in individuals with respiratory problems.
  • Chest physio is a multidisciplinary and comprehensive intervention for patients with respiratory disorders who are symptomatic and often have decreased activities of daily living.


A thorough assessment will be done on the patient followed by a comprehensive intervention. The intervention will be selected based on the findings in the assessment.

Interventions include:

  • Manual chest therapy (percussions, vibrations and shaking)
  • Postural drainage
  • Suctioning
  • Breathing exercises
  • Incentive spirometer
  • Mobilisation
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation